The Proposal
Literally – will you ‘marry me’?
Imagine you are proposing to a girl

– how would you structure your proposal

– how do you say it, what would be the content, what would be the setting, how would you get her to say yes? In the same way

– we are courting the donor and literally asking that they be joined together with us in a partnership towards a specific end

What is Research

Research is a general term which covers all kinds of studies designed to find responses to worthwhile questions by means of a systematic and scientific approach


Research is the means by which
◦ discoveries are made
◦ ideas and theories are developed, confirmed, refined or refuted
◦ events may be described, controlled, interpreted, explained or predicted

• Matchmaker tool in NIH RePORTER
• Browse strategic plans, portfolio
areas, research priorities
• Use NIH Guide to identify relevant
Funding Opportunity
Announcements (FOAs)

What to Cover

  • Describes the planning process and how it links with financial management.
  • Highlights different types of budgets and when to use them.
  • Describes approaches to budgeting.
  • Good practices in budgeting.
  • Budget Justification

Outline of the presentation

• Motivation to Start partnership
• Steps for partnership creation and Management
• Characteristics of a good partnership/network
• Benefit from the collaboration
• Contract and subcontracting
• Common challenges in managing subcontractors
• Discussion


• Definition
• Aspects of Accountability
• Accounting Records and Source documentation
• Types of accounting Source documents
• Filling accountability documents
• Parting tips on managing your funding successfully

The Competition!!!! This photo, shows the loading dock at NIH on the day of a grant‐application deadline. Since the photo was taken, the number of applications NIH receives has more than doubled.