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The Call for submission of abstracts has been extended to Friday, 27th September 2024.
💥 Selected papers will be published in an indexed journal as a special issue
Submission link:

This was to discuss the progress of Afrihealth project being implemented by prof. Wandabwe as a PI and Joshua Eputai.
This grant is from NIH through collaboration with university of KUMOSSI, Ghana. The project is all about simulation and teaching of health professionals on real skills to help equip them with the practical skills to encounter real life challenges in providing health care

Today BusitemaUni hosted a delegation from the STIsecretariat along with two GMP experts. The discussion focused on establishing a GLP Facility @bunapric for advancing Natural therapeutics R&D.
The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research, and Innovations (DGSRI) operationalized the Busitema University Research and Innovation Fund (BURIF) in 2018/19 academic year over the years the fund has benefitted over 80 researchers through the competitive research, innovation and publication grants.
The Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation in conjunction with the Faculty of Management Science, the host unit of Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration and Management (PhD, BAM) successfully carried out a PhD Research Proposal defence on Monday, 10th July 2023.
The Summer School, supported by Volkswagen Stiftung is being offered to African and European
early researchers in the field of natural products and compounds. It aims to equip researchers with
the knowledge and know-how of steering their natural product research toward successful
commercialization. The chosen participants will have the chance of exploring areas relating to ...

The Summer School, supported by Volkswagen Stiftung is being offered to African and European
early researchers in the field of natural products and compounds. It aims to equip researchers with
the knowledge and know-how of steering their natural product research toward successful
commercialization. The chosen participants will have the chance of exploring areas relating to ...

Busitema university has hoted members of parliament on science and tecnology to view projects and display the abilities of the capacity to use the research fund through the directorate of graduate studies reserch and innovation to view full text
Busitema university research and innovation fund secretariat and DGSRI invite you to a weekly presentation about the performance of our research projects. Four principal investigators will present on the status of their work from 9:00 to 10:20 am, tomorrow the 14th of April 2023 Friday. ...

The Academic Registrar, Busitema University invites applications from eligible candidates for admission to Graduate programmes for the 2023/2024 academic year
Busitema University is to organize an annual conference that will bring together researchers, policy makers and implementers to share new knowledge related with the utilization of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in tackling health, climate change, industrialization with respect to local communities....

Busitema University invites prospective students to apply for admission to the DAAD funded Master of Public Health (MPH) scholarship programme at the Faculty of Health Sciences based at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital. The programme aims at fostering strong, internationally oriented higher education systems in Sub...

The 17th Board of Graduate Studies Research and Innovation is scheduled for Monday 28th November 2022 via Zoom starting 10:00 am. Agenda and other documents will be shared in the due course.
You are kindly requested to submit all business to the board in time to avoid blame games and wasting. time during the meeting.
Kind regards to everyone and i wish everyone a timely preparation
The 11th Admissions Board of Graduate Studies meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24th November, 2022 on Zoom starting 10:00 am. The Agenda and other documents will be shared in the due course.
The general public and Busitema University Community are hereby invited to the second Professorial Inaugural Lecture by Professor Julius W. Wandabwa, the Dean Faculty of Health Sciences, scheduled for Thursday, November 24, 2022, at Busitema University, Faculty of Engineering at 2:00 pm. Professor Wandabwa will discuss severe maternal morbidity in Uganda: the base of the iceberg; and will showcase his research, teaching and innovations carried out in the University.
The DGSRI, invites applications for the Busitema University Research and Innovation Fund (BU-RIF) in any Busitema University thematic research priority areas for the year 2022/23.
The BU-RIF grant will last for utmost 12 months and will support high impact
research and innovation projects within Busitema University

The Department of Research Services of the Parliament of Uganda paid a courtesy visit to Busitema University’s Directorate of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovations (DGSRI).
A four-member team led by Ms. Namugoji held discussions with the DGSRI Director, Associate Professor Samson Rwahwire on how research from universities can be easily communicated to the country including policymakers.
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